Top Tank Toilet Chemical - Pink 500ml
Top Tank Pink is a multifunctional additive suitable for all portable toilets as well as bench model cassettes in motorhomes, caravans & boats
Top Tank Pink will assist to keep your flush water tank fresh for weeks, leaving a protective coating on the bowl of the toilet as well as lubricate the air tight seal and shutter valve.
Toilet Chemical Top Tank Pink 500ml Features:
- 500ml bottle
- Keeps flush water fresh
- Leaves a pleasant lavender fragrance
- Ensures a smoother, better flush
- Lubricating qualities assist operation, allowing easier opening & closing of the blade & preserves the seals
- Leaves a micro-thin protective film in the toilet bowl and prevents hard water stains
- Safe to use with septic tanks
- 100ml to 15L of flush water
- Biodegradable, non toxic, complete flush water treatment fluid.
- Made in New Zealand for New Zealand conditions, proven reliability as a responsible environmentally friendly waste treatment fluid.