Daiwa Shorecast 6000 Surf Reel - Fish City Hamilton - -

Daiwa Shorecast 6000 Surf Reel

Sale price$189.99
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The Shorecast offers an impressive 4.1:1 gearing, ensuring that power conversion between your work on the handle and in the body of the spool itself, is maintained at a high level, perfectly complementing the impressive 10kg pulling power of the reel's drag.

Infinite anti-reverse helps ensure that your hook sets are solid and result in more landed catches - exactly what every angler longs to hear.

Daiwa Shorecast 6000 Surf Reel Specifications: 

  • Gear Ratio: 4.1:1
  • Bearings: 8BB, 1RB
  • Drag: 10kg
  • Line Capacity: PE 5/350m